Nazrawi Coffee Export is a specialty coffee company founded in Ethiopia by Ethiopians. Our dream is to share the taste and tradition of Ethiopian coffee with the world while sharing its value with the people who grow it. The coffee business line of the company has a well-structured organization and management system, where all the activities of procurement, processing, and export are focused on delivering good and consistent quality coffee, timely execution of contracts, and high-level customer satisfaction. With several decades of experience and a coffee legacy, Nazrawi coffee export is committed to supplying high-quality coffee delivered on time executed by its highly skilled professionals – accurate logistics services and perfect documentation. Nazrawi coffee exports annually on average 3,500 tons of washed and natural coffee to clients worldwide.


Washed processing

The harvested cherry is pulped within 8 hours of collection to remove the fruit and skin from the beans. All of our washing sites are equipped with Agaard discpulpers for the depulping process. The pulped coffee (parchment) is then typically fermented for 24-48 hours, depending on altitude, with higher sites requiring more time due to lower temperatures, before it is washed in long soaking tanks. All of our sites have 12-14 tanks except for Korcha, which has a large soaking capacity with 25 tanks. During the washing process the coffee is graded by density, the denser the bean the higher the quality, and separated into lots. Another round of soaking follows, in clean water, usually for 6-12 hours, before the parchment is transferred to raised platforms to be dried in the sun. The beans are then dried for 9-14 days, depending on weather conditions and thickness of layers. The parchment is kept in shade during the hottest hours of the day and overnight.


Natural processing

The coffee cherries are first soaked in water, during which any unsuitable cherries – diseased, damaged etc – will float to the surface and can be skimmed off and discarded. They are then transferred to the drying beds where any defectives are removed by hand. The cherries are dried in the sun in layers that begin at around 3cm thickness increasing after a few days to 6-10cm. Frequent movement, coupled with resting in shade during the hours of brightest sunlight and to protect from humidity at night, ensures uniform drying. Drying naturals can take up to 20 days.